Tot Spot: October
The Grace Museum - 3rd Floor Classroom 102 Cypress Street, AbileneA Creative Experience for Preschoolers at the Museum! October Project: Pumpkin Flag with Oil Pastels Tot Spot is a monthly creative experience designed for preschoolers (ages 3-5) and their families at The Grace Museum. Classes include a different mini-tour each month through one of our galleries, a guided art project, and access to Spark following class. Classes are held on ... Tot Spot: October
Grace Studio Class: Autumn Scene Painting
Join us in the Grace Studio! Create a stand-out art piece for your wall or porch! This class will show you how to paint a custom autumn scene onto a glass window pane, reclaimed from a downtown business building. Receive ideas and instruction from our Art Educator and design your painting to fit your style. Leave with a finished piece ... Grace Studio Class: Autumn Scene Painting